Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reasons to be Happy in Mancos!

#1 is that Tom will soon be starting on his drive back home to Mancos! I was so glad to be working at Artisans yesterday morning just to pass the day and see a few people. Although he and I are both independent thinkers and many times spend our days doing our own thing, it is not a good feeling having him so far away. Besides , Tom is awake earlier than I and makes the coffee and walks the dog long before I am up and around. I was reminded of this this morning when Scooby Doo woke me at 5:30! Ok, I'm spoiled. And I love it! Hurry home, Tom.

I am going to be posting a snow picture just for my Sister Vel in Corpus Christi. Strange how we long for what we do not have. She is having beautiful shorts and sandals weather and wants to see snow! I think I can just find something for her from our trip up to Ouray and Telluride. There is still lots of snow in the mountains. And from the look of the sky this morning, may also be some on the ground here in Mancos by the end of the day! sf

1 comment:


And I love getting up and having the coffee ready to give Sandy with a hug when she gets up (Scooby Doo usually gets to her for a hug before I do, but that's okay!). tv