Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Flowers on the Mesa!

Yippeee!  The wild flowers are starting to bloom!  We drove up to Mesa Verde this morning to catch some pictures of Balcony House from a lookout point across the canyon and we were delighted to find some flowering trees and a few small wildflowers.    There are  even some Indian Paintbrush blooming on our driveway!  The day was still a little hazy from airborne dust but the sky was blue, we spent the morning enjoying Mesa Verde photo opportunities and came home to a lunch of ice cold watermelon.  I took my jacket with me and didn't need it.. . . . the high altitude sun warmed our faces.. . . and wildflowers brightened our day. . Yippeee!. . .  .I think it's spring!  sf


Anonymous said...

The flowers are a striking contrast against the bark. Nice shots...and rub it in! FLOWERS ALREADY!

The Retired One said...

They are beautiful! I can almost smell them!

The Retirement Chronicles