Friday, April 3, 2009

I Used to be a Yooper!

My sister-in-law Alice gave me a T-Shirt that said so when I moved from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in 2003. For those of you who don't know the Michigan lingo, if you live in the Upper Peninsula you are a "Yooper" if you live in the larger, lower part of Michigan you are a "Troll". Means you live below the bridge, the beautiful,big Macinac Bridge that connects the two parts of Michigan. You just kind of have to have been there to understand! It has amazed me the number of people that I have run into here in Colorado that are familiar with the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. There is even a" Yooper" sign in the local gym. I have shared the humor of "Da Yoopers" musical group with a sick friend here in Mancos who needed a laugh. Delightfully , my Yooperism has been refreshed recently with enjoying a blog written by an old(not in years!) friend from Newberry, Michigan where I lived and worked and shoveled snow and enjoyed the unique culture of another great small town. Check out written by Cathy Clementz for area photos and an always thoughty and interesting, and sometimes funny, good read. sf


The Retired One said...

Thanks for the shout out to all of us YOOPERS!!! (hey, Jim DeCaire of the Yoopers is a friend of mine too!).
I live in Michigamme and used to be in Rotary with him.
Do you miss living here?
Colorado looks gorgeous though, so maybe not???
The people here are so sincere and friendly...when we travel away from home, it is always good to come back!

Anonymous said...

I feel fortunate to have experienced living in Michigan. I love so many things about that state! It was beautiful all seasons and the people are wonderful. I like the climate of the west better though. We definately have four seasons but the winters are not as severe. We have much less humidity year round. I lived most my life in the Carson City Nv. area and this part of Colorado reminds me so much of that. It is beautiful. Aren't Da Yoopers a kick! We used to play a lot of their music at the radio station there in Newberry. And I did see them perform once at the fairgrounds there. They are definately a unique group! And you are right, home, wherever it is, is always so good to come back to! Sandy

Anonymous said...

Sandy, You can still consider yourself a Yooper, can't ya? Although, I will admit I don't consider myself a Troll anymore!

Thanks a bunch for the shout out!

Can't wait to see more shots!