Snow still, or yet, or again, or whatever! The lane is a mud-bath and I suppose there will be slick spots to watch for on the way to Meeting this morning. Sandy fed the birds again yesterday and in the late afternoon sunshine got some nice shots of birds coming to the feeder in the fresh snow; I hope she'll post her dove picture.
I worked hard yesterday on preparations for the discussion I'm leading before meeting for worship this morning. The topic is "Witnessing: Showing Our Light" (or something like that). Part of my struggle was realizing I was starting off on the wrong foot. One of my old NPS bosses, Glen Bean, used to say it didn't matter what results you got if you did something for the wrong reason ... sooner or later, it would turn to ashes. I know I was feeling resentment at those in meeting who disparage others who don't join in the witnessing for peace demonstration on North Main in Durango every Friday afternoon. That activity is just so alien to me! Folks in northern Wisconsin in the Fifties carried signs if they were on strike, but "witnessing" and vigils were not part of the culture I grew up in, and I haven't acquired the taste since!
On the other hand, taking a stand and speaking out for what I believe in is something my folks DID raise me to believe in. So what's the difference? A matter of personal style, perhaps.
Anyway, I found myself doing some of my reading as I waited for a meeting on planning for the future of the Mancos Valley to begin yesterday morning ... and it was all of a piece! We have some deep differences in beliefs about what should be allowed where in the Mancos Valley, to the extent that some of our neighbors have felt it necessary to go to law in opposition to actions of the county commissioners. They've won, but at considerable cost to themselves (we're supporting a fundraiser for them that we won't be able to attend Saturday).
There is a group that is mounting opposition to the BOCC through possible law suits and the preparation of political candidates to oust the commissioners. There are times when this is appropriate, but my gut has been telling me this is not the way to go ... lawsuits are costly, piece-meal and reactive, and two of the three commissioners were just re-elected by good margins in November; any chance for ousting them is more than three years away.
In researching witnessing, I was reminded that demonizing opponents and using enemy language against them is not the way to peace. Finding common ground and working WITH those people toward mutually desirable goals is more pro-active ... and more likely to get us where we want to be. That was what was stirring my gut, and the group that met yesterday is on a better path ... one that allows me to witness in that realm of life, regardless of what others may do.
My Easter wish is that many people across the country would realize that the demonizing, divisiveness and enemy-rhetoric that is rapidly increasing in our political life is destructive to our nation and that it separates us and prevents us from working together to find solutions to the serious issues that face us. (Hearing that Congressman claim there are 17 Socialists in the House was SO Fifties Joe McCarthy!)
Happy Easter to all, whether it's snowing or sunshining! tv