Monday, May 25, 2009

Springtime in Colorado

This morning the sun is out and brightly shining, heightening all the fresh green from the rain of the last few days. 

Yesterday we dawdled on the way back from Meeting. After a tasty lunch at Kennebec Café to celebrate our 14th-month anniversary (which is today), we paused frequently to enjoy the signs of spring. 

The bottom pic is just west of Kennebec (one of our favorite local restaurants!). We liked the flowers in the green grass in the foreground ... and the fresh snow, only hours old, on the La Platas beyond.

The chairlift at the Hesperus ski area, across the road, awaits the passing of the green grass and the return of the white stuff.

I've never seen the slope so white with cliff fendler bush blossoms as it was yesterday! The slopes are just dusted with the white blooms. 

My caption is probably wrong ... it's now summer!

Remember those who serve! tv


The Retired One said...

How pretty!
Visiting Colorado has been on my "bucket list" for some time now!

Anonymous said...

I don't think you would miss Newberry at all! I could get use to this for a "back yard"!