Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Public discourse

One of the things I kept thinking about during my days in Washington, D.C., was how I can personally improve my contributions to public discussion of issues. I realized I was starting to get into an oppositional, Socratic mode of discourse, thinking I was bright enough to poke holes in the arguments of others. I'm not. And what does that result in ... a boost to my ego?

It's especially tempting when I hear code words bandied about ... the Constitution, freedom, socialism, etc. I believe in the Constitution, honor the flag and value freedom, but somehow I think that means something different in practice when I say that than when some others say it. My inclination is to want to badger them till they 'fess up to what they really mean. Somehow I need to learn to back off, realize that's not my job, listen better and look for ways to open dialogue, seek common ground, etc.

In the meantime ... Oh, what a beautiful morning! tv

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