Sunday, November 8, 2009

First Day

Up early, trying to get my stuff together to lead a discussion on Quakers and Punishment at the 9 o'clock hour Durango Friends Meeting. Not sure how that's going to go but, to use an old Quaker saying, "Way will open."

I wouldn't be up so early anyway if my guts would settle down. I'm feeling fine otherwise, but my innards are still in turmoil. Probably not helped by the extremely hot carne adovada plate I had at the new Mexican restaurant in Cortez; perhaps I should have given more thought to why they named it Pepperhead!

Earlier in the afternoon, we went to KSJD to do a stint of volunteer phone-answering during their pledge drive. We only got one call in two hours; it's early in the campaign and it was a beautiful day, so why would people be making pledge calls?

The staff person on the air during that time did fill time by doing a couple of on-air interviews with me, which gave me an opportunity to talk about the good things happening in the downtown Mancos area, including the successful Friday night events. Hope I didn't leave anyone out that should have gotten credit!

In the other interview, we talked about how technology and subject matter have interacted in the media, from setting type by hand, letter-by-letter (backwards!) to the electronic techniques and media today. At the same time, information people used to turn to newspapers to find is available almost instantly in electronic forms of communication. Local radio stations and local newspapers find themselves facing the same drive for relevancy.

Okay, back to work; I'm not up at this hour to blog! tv


LJH said...

Re communication and technology: Despite all our technical advances in communication (newspaper, radio, TV, internet), we surely have not made much progress on the "receiving end" -- that is, with the brains of people who "use" the technology. Too many people still don't know how to think logically, to consider and evaluate what appears in the media, to recognize bias and opinions, to look for evidence.
Well, 'nuff said. You'll recognize that this is one of my hot buttons. LJH in Wisconsin


Hey, Cuz, I like your picture, as well as the comment. Yah, faster isn't thoughtier ... on either end of the communication process. Thinkin' ain't in vogue nowadays. Examples last week: Cong. Boehner holding up the Constitution and passionately reciting the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence; another Cong. passionately getting the crowd to recite the Pledge of Allegiance with him ... and leaving out the word "indivisible." Those two, at least, aren't smarter than the average fifth-grader!

Smiles from sunny SW Colorado, where it's a pleasant 70 degrees.