Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ready For A Hike

Tom and Scooby Doo are ready for our morning photo safari.  It was the first time ScoobyDoo had been  in the backpack and seemed to really enjoy the ride.  It was a beautiful day to take pictures of Colorado snow country.   I took a tumble into a snow bank on the  first stop and spent most of the time trying to dry out my camera.  As tempting as it was, Tom passed up the "Kodak moment"  of Sandy trying to get out of the snow bank. Smart fella! :)   All in all, today was a great way to begin 2008!  sf

(And Sandy was exceedingly generous ... and passed up HER Kodak moment ... when Tom decided to go up a mountain trail, backed down to turn around, and got stuck in a ditch. No shovel in the car, and no sand or litter. A neighbor's shovel and about an hour of digging and wheel-spinning and we finally got out. It was a nice, sunny day and I needed the exercise. tv)

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