Thursday, January 3, 2008

Caucus Day in Iowa

We went to Durango yesterday, which always seems to take most of the day, no matter how few items we have to do. We even managed to find reasonably central parking spaces (VERY difficult to do in Durango), with short walks to our various places of business. Sandy noticed these cute bikes that are used by guests of the adjacent Rochester Hotel. These modern steeds even have individual names, and I loved the colorful horn on "Duke."

Caucus Day in Iowa. Media frenzy. And it will be like this till we vote in November ... 10 more months! And it won't be until after the nominees are selected (crowned? bought?) that we will see the debate really get down to America's future. Right now, IMHO, each party is an isolated echo chamber, arguing over fine gradations of the same outlook, without any real confrontation of differing visions for America in the next four years and beyond. And the people who might really rock the boat and afflict the comfortable ... like Tancredo and Paul in the GOP and Biden, Gravel and Kucinich among the Dems ... will be history in a few weeks and their ideas, no matter how sensible, will be obscured and forgotten in the dust left by the juggernauts of party interests. A pox on both their houses ... this ain't no way to pick a leader, says the old curmudgeon! tv

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