Sunday, November 9, 2008

Two Lincoln Counties

I found my perceptions of probable vote trends in the election to be partly wrong. 

I grew up, graduated high school and was married in Lincoln County, WI. My high school years were in the McCarthy era ... paranoid hatred and suspicion clothed in Cold War rubric. I've carried that feeling - that cold, hostile, overall perception of the politics of that Lincoln County -  for a long time, anticipating that the 2008 election results would shine bright crimson.


Lincoln County, WI, went 55% for Obama! And I should recall that, not long after I was wondering about whether I should be seen with my girl friend and her family at a Democratic meeting featuring candidate Gaylord Nelson, he and perennial candidate Proxmire were actually elected and re-elected. So, change does occur. 

There's long been two Republican traditions in Wisconsin; the socially progressive LaFollette branch, based largely in the southern cities of Milwaukee and Madison (both of which have had Socialist mayors), and the "You're on your own" wing that spawned Joe McCarthy. I guess the LaFollette strain is in the ascendancy again.

Sandy and I were married in another Lincoln County, the Oklahoma one just east of Oklahoma City. That one went almost 3 to 1 for McCain. We were both right on that guess! tv

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