Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's not over yet!

We stayed up to watch the Obama acceptance speech ... what a crowd! It was so nice to see the Obama family there (and, later, the Biden family) ... they seem so natural, so unaffected. It's going to be nice to see a young, vibrant family in the White House again, another reminder for me of the Camelot years of the Kennedys.

I shook hands with Jack Kennedy at an Ashland, WI, rally during his 1960 race for the presidency, and I feel a lot today as I did with JFK 48 years ago ... excited, hopeful, yearning, dreaming of what might be. 

I only need to look around to be brought back down to earth. Some guy named Mark was on the Sirius Patriot channel this afternoon, screaming at callers, cutting them off rudely and hurling names and slurs at anyone with an idea more liberal than those approved by the John Birch Society. Big hate and anger, vowing to fight, fight, FIGHT to prevent anything those lefties and liberals and socialists might propose. He had an interview with Rep. Michelle Bachmann, the MN Congresswoman who wants to survey Congress to uncover those who are anti-American. Harsh, self-righteous name-calling, determined to stamp out the evil forces that threaten life as they think it should be.

It's a great electoral victory, but for its promise to be realized, there's a lot of work yet to be done! 

Locally, practically all posts went to Republicans by very large margins. The DA race was the closest. The two county commissioners up for election are good guys and have made some good decisions, but their orientation favors the status quo, despite the change that is going on around us. The wind of change may be blowing in DC and Denver, but it hasn't reached here yet!

Winter arrived last night, leaving an inch or so of snow on the ground. Cold, windy and occasionally snowy throughout the day. Brrr!

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