Friday, January 22, 2010

Still snowing!

Well, everything's off for the evening, except for reclining inside on the couch and chair, with cats and dog napping away, while the darkness begins to blot the 3-foot-deep Propanel piles just outside the windows and the snow that continues to fall.

The picture I took through the visitor center window midday is a different scene than the one from yesterday afternoon ... more snow, no sun. I was at the visitor center for four hours, and it snowed more than four inches!

When I left at about 2:30 p.m., I caught the historic Bauer House and yard, blanketed in snow. It is supposed to continue on through tomorrow, so who knows what it will look like 24 hours from now!

I've heard, don't know if it's true, that all highway passes in Colorado are closed. Not hard to believe. It's going to be beautiful afterward, and we should be well-watered next summer, but it's getting tiresome right now. tv

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful shots!!! But I still don't miss the snow!!! I especially like the first one.