Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Farmers Market Bonanza!

The Farmers' Market in Cortez last Saturday was a great place to visit and restock our fruit and veggie supply. Produce was plentiful, end-of-the season ripe and well priced! Our only dud was a watermelon which I had carefully selected by my "thumping" method! Guess I have lost my touch! The bottom photo was caught on a pasture fence as a sprinkler system was spraying water and creating a decorative display of ice. It was actually crisp air temperature but comfortable at the farmers market location. But I do understand that hot coffee was a best seller. Note the couple working the apple press and serving up fresh apple juice. We came home with a box of yellow delicious apples that are wonderful eating but need to be transformed into applesauce, pies, etc. It is sad the the season for fresh local produce is passing. A big thanks to all of the farmers who have provided the rest of us with such wonderful choices. We have enjoyed! sf

1 comment:

The Retired One said...

Loved, loved that ice picture!!!!