Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lotsa doggie fun in the snow!

The La Plata Paw folks sure had their snow mojo working this weekend! We've had quite a bit of snow in the last week or so, overcoming the warm, rainy, snow-deficit conditions the San Juan Stage Race experienced in mid-January. Yesterday morning the snow was quietly, gently, THICKLY falling ... it was coming down in buckets!!! By the end of the morning, the sun was peeking through occasionally.

This morning, when Scooby Doo and I went for our morning walk at about 5 a.m., it was 9 degrees outside, with bright stars and a half-moon! Right now, the sun is brightly shining on the valley and it looks like the mushers, ski-jorers and all the other snow-bunnies will have a beautiful morning up on the course. 

Above the portraits of some of the principals in yesterday's events are a gaggle of snowsuited kids, for whom deep snow is all the more fun to get down in and roll around, etc., while waiting for the next dog team to come by.

I like the way one of the musher's dogs squatted down to dig in as their began to pull him and his sled over the start line, then he squatted down to break wind resistance as they pulled him back over the finish line.

Of the three ski-jorers I saw, the dog shown was the only one who really knew what it was all about. That one took off like a shot, towing the skier strongly.

The top picture is of a perfectly mismatched  team of two crossing the finish line ahead of their owner, sculptor Veryl Goodnight. Notice it's the little one, the Jack Russell terrier, that's doing the work! tv

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