Friday, September 26, 2008

Long day!

We'd heard a balloon was going to fly yesterday morning, so we got up early and went looking for it. No luck; instead, we found an alfalfa field with about 10 bucks in it on the south edge of Mancos. They seemed willing to pose, so we watched them graze and play antler games for a while. In the other direction, the morning sun was starting to paint Point Lookout with golden light ... that was an okay sight, too.

On the way back into town, we saw lots of activity around the bakery on this beautiful, sunny autumn morning, so Sandy suggested we open the co-op early; we were on duty yesterday morning anyway. The young people were still here from the Michael Franti/Spearhead concert in Mancos the night before, and balloonists started trickling in a little later. Not much sales, but it was a really pleasant morning to be at the center of Mancos.

After some maintenance details, like a haircut and repairs to the Jeep, I came home and started printing some more photos. When Sandy got done with her shift, we went into production mode for a while and got lots of cards (especially balloon pics from  previous years) ready to put out this morning.

We had dinner at Lotsa Pasta (one of our favorite restaurants in Cortez) to celebrate six months of wedded partnership. Yes, I'm ready to get in the tin can on wheels and go on another 4,000 mile trip with this lady, gladly!!!!

Less exciting but interesting was the candidates' forum at Vo-Tech in the evening. Well-run, it gave a good opportunity to compare the stands and styles of the two candidates for one of the two county commissioner openings. Fred and Larrie definitely offered two different possible futures. Unfortunately, we'll be gone for the forum among the three candidates for our district commissioner.

And today is the real start of the balloon festival, so we're off at dawn to chase bright-colored light bulbs around the valley! tv

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