Monday, May 5, 2008

Homeward bound, once again

Continuing with the flowers theme ... these are some from Portland, OR. I'm in the Denver airport, waiting to fly back to Durango from my last Friends Bulletin board meeting, which was held in Portland. 

Portland is a riot of flowers of all kinds - kachoo, drip, sneeze. Such sweet agony! As long as I stay on drugs, I can enjoy the flowers. 

An ad on the sponsored wi-fi at DIA just flashed "The top 10 jobs of 2015 don't exist today!" A sobering thought. It seems like every board I'm on is trying to envision the future, and crystal balls aren't getting any sharper or clearer. In fact, they're practically useless. What do we do to plan for the future and not get caught going in the wrong direction?

We just hired a new editor for Friends Bulletin (Western Friend, starting next issue, I think), partly on the basis of her (and our) vision for where the magazine will be five years from now. In fact, we can be certain that WF will be in a significantly different place in five years than we discussed during and after the interviews Saturday. 

Some of us ex-Parkies are trying to guess what the interpretation/education/information programs of the National Park Service should be in 2016 and thereafter. In an environment in which "The top 10 jobs of 2015 don't exist today!"

I'll be smelling the flowers, hopefully from above, not below. tv

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