Saturday, April 19, 2008

9Health Fair day

We went in at 5 yesterday afternoon to help the Lions Club set up for the annual 9Health Fair. Sandy has helped with other health fairs, and I covered this one in years past, but this was our first time as two of the 70+ volunteers it takes to put this one on.

This morning we were up at 5:30 (that late because I overslept) and at the school, where it was held, by just after 6 a.m. We got our screening done and then helped direct people through the well-organized maze of screening tests and information tables. Sandy said she heard there were more than 500 participants this year! 

It was a long time standing, but also a pleasant, positive way in which to serve the community, seeing neighbors I hadn't seen in a long time as well as the few I see regularly. I haven't exactly been a hermit since leaving the paper almost two years ago (though that's my natural tendency), but I don't see as many people as often as when I was covering so many meetings and events. 

And it was a pretty nice morning weather-wise, too, not warm but not with the biting wind we've had a few mornings recently.

I think tomorrow we're going to skip meeting and go photo-safari-ing. tv

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