Monday, July 25, 2011

The monsoons, the monsoons ...

Beautiful, noisy rain last night! We really needed the moisture; we'd had a few brief showers in the last couple of weeks, but this one was a good rain, hard at times but prolonged enough to create puddles and rivulets and do some soaking in.

I found a ridge the other day that offered a good view of Western New Mexico University (bottom pic) and of Gila Regional Medical Center, where Sandy spent a couple of nights. She developed an abscess which had to be surgically opened and drained. Mission accomplished; all is well and Nurse Tom is performing wound care at a standard approved by the home health care nurse. That home health care program is, in my opinion, the most cost-effective medical program we have in this country!

In the meantime, while I was home tending the furry beasts, I saw not one but two roadrunners come by. I wasn't quick on the shutter, so I only got one of them.

Today is our 40th month anniversary ... an event in my life for which I am deeply grateful. Think we'll start the day by going down to Vicki's for breakfast! tv

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