Thursday, July 1, 2010

50th High School Reunion

To all of you who say you would never want to go to your high school reunion. . go. . the experience is one of those that when it is past you can't bring it back. I have been contemplating the past weekend. . and it could not have been better. I guess my big fear was that I was the only one that had aged. Guess what the rest of my friends had gotten older also. . wheww . .that was a relief! And it was a wonderful time of sharing old memories. ..and renewing friendships. It was like a time warp back to yesterday. Priceless! And Tom was such a sweetheart to stick through all three gatherings. . and as we were leaving the bed and breakfast early Sunday morning, there was no one in the lobby and we looked down and saw this beautiful fluffy caterpillar making it's way across the tile floor. I carefully walked around it. . but Tom ,just being Tom. . Although we were in a rush to get on the road. .he gently reached down and picked it up and placed it outside in the flower bed. That's one of the many reason I love Tom. . .he would take the time to give a caterpillar the chance to become a butterfly. :)


Anonymous said...

OMG. 50th High School reunion. I attended mine a couple years ago. I had not seen any of my classmates in that 50 years due to living on the opposite coast. I recognized a few of them, the ones who never changed and kept the youthful looks and hair.
Sadly we had lost several out of the class, a couple I had looked forward to seeing.
It was one of the most depressing times of my life!

I am happy you found what I was looking for, the old friendships and laughter. Somehow I felt I had moved on but they hadn't.

sfeutz said...

We also had lost some classmates. . most of which I was aware and there were tributes and scholorships done in their names. that was sad . . but I think the joy of seeing the others overshadowed. . But the really sad thing was the night before the reunion one of the classmates died suddenly. . we didn't find out about it until the following Monday. . but tis all a reminder of how precious every day is. .and my gratitude for my good health and opportunities for happiness at this time of my life is overwhelming. . .


Nonny Moose: I enjoyed my 50th, too, but I also had the feeling that "I had moved on but they hadn't." Or, at least, they reminded me of the milieu I came out of and don't wish to return to. And I was still one of the country kids, the ones that went grades 1-8 in country schools, then were bused into the city from all over the county to do high school with the city kids that had gone to school together for 8 years.