Tom and I usually feed the birds all winter and then just the hummingbirds during the summer. I decided to put out a little seed the other day and oh what we have been missing! There has been a wonderful array of birds at the front yard feeder and in the surrounding oak brush ever since. What a treat they are! It is the first time I have seen any doves here in over a year and many other colorful feathered friends have stopped by to feed. The hummingbirds yesterday did and imitation of stunt plane nose diving which I have been told is part of their mating ritual.I had given up trying to find last years hummingbird feeder and purchased a new one after days of having the cute little birds glare at me through the window. I am not a birder. . but I am a bird "enjoyer". . Tom and I both have photography in the birding show at the Cortez Cultural Center. We always enjoy trying to get that special picture.
I do think spring is here,although I haven't seen any robins the last few days. They may have headed back south in a state of confusion over the freezing temperatures and periodic snow showers. Smart birds,those robins. sf
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