Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yes, we're in ranch country!

'Twas a sunny day but with a biting cold wind when we went to the 2010 Ag Expo show at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds yesterday afternoon. Still, it's a big event; one where it's fun to see your neighbors and the booths and the kids with critters.

One neat event was the Alpaca 4-H Club's alpaca show. The kids sort of adopt animals at Kathy Butler's alpaca ranch near Dolores and show them. Alpacas are cute little critters.

There was a cutting contest in corrals outside, with teams of cowboys and cowgirls cutting out designated cows and nudging them into another section of the corral. Chilly work!

There were several teams of draft horses pulling wagons to give people rides around the fairgrounds. The lower pic is of a pair of dapple greys; the picture above shows part of a six-horse team of Belgians. I teased the driver about standing up to catch more of the cold wind; he said his butt was tired of sitting!

The top picture shows that it was pretty crowded in the main building, where all the trade exhibits were. There was also a fair amount of dust in the air, from all the feet on the dirt floor.

Good fun, but it was nice to come home and get warm! tv

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