It's not uncommon for folks around here to get grumpy when they don't see the sun for a couple of days. The last two days were snow, snow, snow!
But this morning, before dawn, there was a full moon so bright it blanked out the stars and the reflection from the fresh snow was brilliant. What a beautiful sight, even at 11 degrees!
So, I prevailed upon my Sweetheart to join me on a photo safari in the early morning (she didn't need much arm-twisting). We went up above the Jackson Gulch Dam, where the picture across the Mancos Valley, looking at Mesa Verde, was shot.
It was at least 10 degrees colder in Thompson Park, east of Mancos Hill, and we were taking pictures in minus 1 degree sunshine. The horses would really have liked apples or carrots, but we didn't have any with us.
Beyond Sandy and the horses is Cherry Creek and the next picture was taken a couple of miles down Cherry Creek. One of the beauties of such a morning in the Southwest is the red rocks exposed below bright blue sky, in a setting of evergreens and fresh, fluffy white snow. It's just breathtaking!
And then we woke up a little flock of turkeys, ones that apparently didn't know they could go over to Tom and Sandy's for breakfast. Anyway, they started to spread out from under the tree where they had weathered the night, breaking trail through seven inches of fresh snow.
What a way to end the year! We're partying with some friends here in the Mancos Valley tonight, and none of us are likely to still be up at midnight. tv