Monday, June 15, 2009


Just a quick note to update.

We bugged out of Ghost Ranch yesterday morning, Sandy to Chandler, OK, and me to Mancos. On the way back, I picked up the latest issue of Arts Perspective in Durango; will distribute that around the San Juan Skyway on Tuesday and Wednesday. Have Servas guests here last night through tonight; we'll do Mesa Verde today.

Yearly Meeting was moving, as it usually is. The theme and keynote speech was about telling our stories, and there were some very deep and personal stories told. A good centering, renewing experience.

My heart went out to the clerk, who tried mightily to find unity on the issue of our service projects ... and there wasn't any. It was an anguishing time for her. We left it at "no unity," which I think was unsettling for everyone ... it kills the program in an indirect manner, not really dealing with the substance of the matter. That's what sometimes happens when you make decisions by consensus. tv

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