We took a quick trip to Silver City again Monday - Wednesday. Looked at several houses there, especially one that we had looked at and liked when we were down there in July ... it still felt good, so we'll see if we can get it.
My life continues to be preoccupied with the SW Open School Minds in Motion fundraising campaign. Did another booth at Mancos Farmers' Market; three more events to go, one of which I'll miss. Then our season finale on September 9, which we're busy planning for now. We've done well ... over a thousand contacts, renewed interest in SWOS, new students and about $7,000 in hand so far. I think we will make the $10,000 goal for this year and then we'll see what happens beyond that. I'll leave the board in a couple of months, so that's a nice note to go out on.
Last night was the last - and best - of the Grand Summer Nights events in downtown Mancos. Beautiful weather, beautiful music and lots for people to do and see. There are more than 60 artists shown in the downtown area now! We had people there ranging from Durango to McElmo Canyon ... just a pleasant, laid-back evening ... with lots of sales!
In a few minutes we need to get ready to go to the Wine and Art show in Cortez ... a FeVa Fotos booth instead of a SWOS MIM booth for a change. A dark cloud looming in that direction does not bode well. And then toward the end of the week we'll be doing our maybe last distribution of Arts Perspective Magazine around the San Juan Skyway. TV